Press Releases
-April 7, 2021: WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DOULA MAKES! BirthWell Celebrates 10th Anniversary & Almost 500 Births in Central Alabama. "If you see an Alabama baby wearing this signature T-shirt -- “A BirthWell Partners Doula Helped Me Out!” – you know it’s a lucky little one.
That’s because a professionally trained doula provided support for the family –before, during and after the birth -- to help make sure that the mother and baby had the best possible outcomes..." read more
-February 21, 2020: ONCE-A-YEAR OPPORTUNITY AT EARTHY BIRTHY FAIR & FAMILY WELLNESS EXPO ON FEB. 22, 2020. “This Saturday, Feb. 22, offers a one-of-a-kind educational, resource, and shopping event, the annual Earthy Birthy Fair & Family Wellness Expo from noon to 4 p.m. at the Innovation Depot in downtown Birmingham.
Sponsored by BirthWell Partners Community Doula Project and Baby Palooza, the Fair features more than 25 vendors and sponsors who gather under one roof to promote healthy, holistic products and educate expectant moms and families on state-of-the art birthing and parenting…” read more
-February 12, 2020: Birmingham’s Cecilia Pearson, of Babypalooza, wins “It Takes A Village Award” for Contributions to Family Wellness. “Mention mothers and babies in the Southeast, and one name is sure to come up in conversation: Cecilia Pearson, the founder and CEO of Lifestages Media Inc. and creator of the Babypalooza brand. Since 2005, Cecilia, or CC as she is known to friends, has overseen a successful, multi-platform business that provides a unique media community for “new, expectant and hopeful moms.” Through premier parenting conferences and baby expos, magazines, and a thriving digital network, Babypalooza serves….” read more
-January 30, 2020: Anna Claire Vollers, of Reckon/AL.com, wins Advocacy Award for “Motherhood in Alabama” Series. “In 2019, when Anna Claire Vollers, an investigative reporter with Reckon/AL.com, set out to write a series of articles on “Motherhood in Alabama,” she suspected the topic contained “a multitude of broken things.” She knew, for example, that Alabama ranks among those states with the highest infant and maternal mortality rates. A young mother herself, Ms. Vollers also had concerns about maternal health, safety in childbirth, and workplace struggles. But the project proved more compelling and urgent that she guessed…” read more
-January 13, 2020: Local Oragnization Fights for Healthy Moms and Babies, One Birth at a Time. “Kayln O’Neal, age 20, didn’t set out to make history when she had her second baby, Karsen, a few months ago. But her 6.2 pound little boy represents the “400th birth” milestone for a small not-for-profit organization, BirthWell Partners Community Doula Project, which helps lead the way to healthy births in Alabama with education, doula support, and co-sponsorship of the annual Earthy Birthy Fair & Family Wellness Expo…” read more
-January 13, 2020: Fourth Annual Earthy Birth Fair and Family Wellness Expo on Feb. 22nd. ” Mark your calendars now for a one-of-a-kind family event, the annual Earthy Birthy Fair & Family Wellness Expo Saturday Feb. 22, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Innovation Depot. Sponsored by BirthWell Partners Community Doula Project and Babypalooza, the Fair features more than 25 vendors and sponsors who gather under one roof to promote healthy, holistic products and…” read more
BirthWell in the NEWS
-To improve birth outcomes for uninsured moms, Birmingham is training more doulas Published on WBHM.org on 5.12.23
-A Seat at the Table in Birmingham Published on DONA.org 4.5.23
-Birmingham doula group to help more mothers tackle pregnancy, parenting Published on AL.com 2.14.23
-Birmingham non-profit expanding doula services to uninsured expecting moms Published on WBRC.com on 2.14.23
-Saving Babies and Moms in Alabama Published on Birmingham Comeback Town 4.28.21 and on AL.Com 5/2/21.
-10 Reasons to Love a Community Doula Published on Babypalooza 4.19.21
-BirthWell Partners Celebrates our 400th Birth
Published on Babypalooza 1.10.2020 http://bit.ly/2Ra6cGc
(story by board member and journalist Jennifer Greer)
–Make a Difference, NOW. Dalia Abrams shares how she and Susan Petrus decided to start BirthWell Partners in the International DOULA magazine Vol 27, issue 4, 2019 p. 24-27
-BirthWell Partners helps raise awareness about maternal and infant mortality disparities in AL and the US in a panel discussion sponsored by Forward Alabama in 2016 titled: First Birthday Alabama.
-BirthWell recognized as a Perinatal Safe Spot in April 2017!
-Dalia Abrams discusses root causes of health disparities with Anna Claire Vollers at AL.com Black Babies Die at Three Times the Rate of White Babies in Alabama, June 2017
–The Birth of a New Career story about BirthWell Partners by Gigi Douban on NPR December 2011
Research Publications
Improving birth and breastfeeding outcomes among low resource women in Alabama by including doulas in the interprofessional birth care team.
Thurston, Abrams, et. al., Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice (JIEP), 17 (2019) 100278
An Interprofessional Approach to Prevent Recurrent Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury (OASIS): A Case Report.
Thurston LA, Stone J, Mileski M, Abrams D, Huggins W 2nd. Clin Case Rep. 2018 Oct 22;6(12):2326-2332. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.1834. PMID: 30564323; PMCID: PMC6293144.
Doula Care Improves Birth and Breastfeeding Outcomes in a Medicaid Population. Jefferson County, Alabama. Poster presented at the 2017 National Academies of Practice conference and at the Alabama Department of Public Health Office of Women’s Health 2017 conference.
"Making DONA's Vision a Reality in Your Community: A Doula for Every Woman Who Wants One" - poster presentation at the DONA/Lamaze Confluence, 2014.